Observe self in all things - Know yourself
By purifying our definition of self and observing our reality without 'good' or 'bad' we can embrace the eternal path
The things we allow in our sense environment on a regular basis and that repeat there in turn become conditioning. Every individual must have the right to choose what is within their repeated environment at any given time - as that allows them to control their mind and awareness. Regardless of who believes they are in control of their mind and are oblivious to such things - I have witnessed the contrary many times - one rule remains - repetition is the mother of all learning.
Part of self-responsibility is controlling your environment so as to maintain a high level of awareness at all times. Anywhere there are addictions or indulgences or unguarded avenues where attention seeps - they are holes in your energetic field. Go into a state of observation to observe these holes. Reprimand often creates a suppression which pre-creates a time in the future where there must be an expression - or a period of minimal control in which what is in must just be allowed out without boundaries. Enough observation of these cycles and the ups and downs they give the character and the body and well... it gets very tiring and also boring.
Part of embracing true individuality and not the belief system of individuality is being aware of the way your environment makes you feel and causes you to identify as certain things. When you observe repeated patterns that affect the group on a group level and you observe yourself within this and the way your behaviour and thinking is affected - you then have the opportunity to make a decision that is not group based.
By knowing the difference - you can be sovereign.
In an indepth study of the self and all as one as the self - we can discover through observation the multiple groups we are in and we can then choose to be in them or not; to continue conditioning that puts us in them by default - or not.
This journey of self discovery is endless - and only one facet of the worthy potentials for our higher nature (not higher in a hierarchical fashion). It is a greater path to engage with on the eternal spectrum. How we got here - how we identify with who and what we are - is largely dependent on how we were conditioned to believe we are what we are. Whether that be on a very literal physical single life societal level or on a much longer soul journey.
Conditioning is not a negative. Remove 'negative' and just look at real. Allow choices as 'real' instead of needing to charge things as 'good' or 'bad'.
Observation is key. Return to observation whenever you feel stuck. If you feel stuck, observe yourself stuckness and look into it as yourself unconditionally - stop resistance and feel in sensitivity where there is flow or not flow - in your body, in your mind and energetically. Feel yourself in feel - slow down - allow the mind to stop focusing on the finite world it creates in order to create more finite. This 'letting go' only you can choose.
All the tools are there for you. Within you. You need no prompt or facebook status update from some self-declared guru. Anyone that tells you otherwise is leading you down a garden path - to empathize with their reality and their conditioning. It could certainly be one that is highly relevant or even in parallel to real reality. You may indeed learn something there but you will always be brought back around to the point where you are teaching you and in this - after enough of these experiences - a craving will arise to know yourself entirely in order to make yourself fit for purpose - whatever purpose you feel a need to be fit for.
Trust generates trust. Trust in your deeper knowing, trust what you are - and observe. Then in full knowledge of observing without charge and neutralizing charge as you perceive it; seeing it as it is - you are then qualified to make a decision to continue with re-imprinting old conditioning or creating new conditioning.
You can also then decide to return the energy you used to make this pattern within - this automatic system which you defined as you - back to the earth - back to source.
In many cases the more we identify as this or that - the more we live these aspects of creation - we discover that creation itself is unnecessary as life is self-supporting. Then comes a desire - well - what if I made a self that was above this need to create? What would that look like? Is it possible? Is it necessary?
Well it wouldn't be based on any form of conscious thought or ego. So the idea you can own it or put a fence around it and call it yours is obsolete. Infact, the act of fencing and owning becomes obsolete in such an expression of identity. An identity completely enveloped in trust of source, within and as it - is eternally sustainable.
And when your eyes wake up to the possibility - it consumes the soul like a ravenous beast and everything else falls into place. The searchings and wanderings of who and what we are in this realm become immediately irrelevant.
As source, I flourish. This intimate connection with self as all is shared with all who also walk the eternal path.
In love,