Bring Down the Walls!
Getting into the meta-physics of group think and archetypes and hierarchies
Preliminaries are a head**** - I've learned that anything that has value in the group mind only has value because it is believed to have value by the group or by a sub-section of the group. Archetypes and symbols that have been repeated through time as stamps of awareness in consciousness have accumulated value in this way. So once understood, symbols and archetypes are a palette by which to effectively work within and reach an intended outcome in the group.
You may have 100 people in a town that have the ability to give you the spiritual experience you need in order to get yourself into your feeling body and access true awareness and yet your internal belief systems are structured in a way that you will only allow yourself to receive this information from a monk in the himalayas when he decides to visit. These are your preliminaries. Ultimately you can do it yourself - as this awareness is literally at the tip of your thought, yet using these preliminaries we often hold back the the crossing of this threshold like a kind of scanty procrastination.
Understanding that source is within yourself and all value is created by repetition and that all hierarchies are created through repeated value which then generate a system of symbols which are used to access different levels of group - we can navigate the group and become whatever we want. Engage with different layers - however if you don't acknowledge the power of a layer or recognize the value that a group sees and seek to expose the lack of foundation in the value - you will be thrown out and often scapegoated as the problem - which is convenient in the sense that the problem is indeed ignorance and yet using this technique awareness can be post-poned indefinitely. Scape-goating then clearly becomes a self-defence mechanism of the group in order to retain its hierarchy and system of values and labels.
It is a condition of those that have a good standing within the group either natural or self-created to continue to support the belief in these mechanisms which also supports their position in the hierarchy - whether that translates to the social, physical, industry or spiritual realms.
The best slaves are those that maintain a low level in social hierarchies yet receive small energetic rewards for defending the definition of the hierarchy and keeping everyone respecting the illusory value of the hierarchy which is only there because the group collectively uses thought to create and maintain it.
Recognizing the belief systems in yourself that create a high level of value simply by following intuitively that which has a high energy signature is just you simply adhering to the established hierarchies in established group think - this then causes one to consider that you can indeed do or be something different.
If this group is led 'this way' or 'that way' like 'this' or 'that' - then how do I do 'this' or 'that'?
The path then becomes clear but the road requires work. The only way to start that work is from the very beginning step by step.
Bring down the towers to see the truth. Find out who is dedicated to source and who is dedicated to self in the process. A firm foundation in the connection to source is the firmest reference point which has potential to shake all boundaries not grounded in truth.
Good luck! 🙏💖